RTT Therapy Near Me vs RTT Therapy Online - Which is Better?

RTT Therapy Near Me is still more in demand even post-pandemic, I imagine because most of us imagine the therapy process as an open-eye conversation with the therapist in her office. We traditionally imagine there being several sessions, an hour or so in length each, where we just ‘chat’ sitting opposite the therapist, whilst she takes notes by hand. 

The modern world of RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) is different to the traditional view of counselling as described above. RTT can be done as effectively online as in person.

Here is why:

  • Single-session therapy: for most issues treatable by RTT Therapy, you would only need one session with a catch-up 21 days later. Therefore, it is less relevant whether the therapist is near you or not, as you won’t be going to her office regularly for months. 

Online forms: during the initial consultation, where you and the therapist discuss the issue at high level, your therapist is likely to type up some notes for her use in the session. The forms for you to fill in are also digital, so can be completed and returned online - no physical copies are necessary.

Closed eye process:

RTT involves hypnotherapy, therefore, the client has their eyes closed for most of the session. This allows them to relax fully and really go to the scenes in their past that have caused the issue.

Since you have your eyes closed, it matters less whether the therapist is in the same room as you, half way across the country, or half way across the globe. 

The warm up exercises: RTT Hypnotherapy induction process involves suggestibility tests - imagining magnets in the palms of your hands or a bucket of sand in one hand and a giant helium balloon in another. Since your therapist needs to see your arms moving, in online sessions the camera needs to be at arm’s length away in front of you, so that you can move your arms freely. 

Stay until the issue is resolved:

RTT Therapy sessions are not timed and you do not pay by the hour. You and the therapist stay in the session until you discover the root of the issue, and then for as long as needed to heal and transform the original hurt. Most session last two hours or slightly longer.

Since there is a high chance of overrunning, it’s best to be somewhere where you know the room will not be used by anyone else immediately after.

In some cases the client and I stayed in the session for several hours, because their mind would not give up the root cause of the issue troubling them. During those times it’s even more satisfying to finally uncover the belief underneath the problem and to be able to heal it for good. 

RTT Therapy online has the following benefits:

  • When choosing the right therapist to deal with your issue, you are not limited to those located near you. This gives you a greater choice of therapists and, potentially, a better fit in terms of her skills and personality.

  • You can have the full therapeutic experience from your home, saving effort, time and money on travel.

  • You have full control over the lighting, room temperature and seating arrangements. 

• You can wear your most comfortable clothes, have your favourite blanket on your lap, have you favourite incense burning - have a fully personalised experience. 

• You can even have a nap or go to sleep in your bed as soon as the session is done.

RTT Therapy Near You has the following benefits:

  • If the issue at hand relates to your current living arrangements, a visit to the therapist office could be a welcome escape.

  • You might not be able to shut kids, pets or elderly relatives out of your room for the duration of the session.

  • Some people prefer to have real life interactions where they can, due to working from home and having most of their meetings online. 

RTT Therapy in Person - feel the relief

• The therapist can check that you’re relaxed by lifting your arms and dropping them into your lap at the start of the session.

• You are not likely to be overheard by someone you know who lives with you.

In short, the answer to the question which is best - an RTT Therapy Session Near You or an RTT Session Online - is down to personal preference and practical considerations. Either way,

you can rest assured that the standard of the service you receive is equally high. 

If you have any other considerations I had not thought of - please let me know!

And if you'd like to find out more about me, you can do so here.


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