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Future group meditation sessions are likely to be held around Gloucester Road area in Bristol

Future Leap Gloucester road meditation event Bristol
Corporate Wellness Event

Networking in Bliss
Meditation Event

took place on 15 January 25

at the Future Leap, 1-3 Gloucester Road, Bristol

Rest is an important part of success.

 The first part of this event was dedicated to letting go of all worries, de-stressing and calming through a deep guided meditation by Nika Nazarova-Evans, a clinical hypnotherapist.  

We wiped the slate clean of daily stressors and rested unapologetically, before networking in the second half.

Group Meditation Sessions

The world dictates that to be successful we’re supposed to be ultra-productive, results-driven, super-ambitious and motivated - we’re encouraged to treat ourselves and those around us as machines, and value ourselves and others based on our outputs.

This makes it easy to forget that we're human beings, not human doings. 

Concentrating on the outcomes at the expense of how we feel in the process, often means we’re working against our nature instead of cooperating with it. This can move us further away from achieving our goals due to burnout, problems with sleep, overwhelm, depression and anxiety as well as other related issues.

My practice prides itself on alleviating these burdens through group guided meditations and individual therapy sessions.

My group meditation events help the attendees find a place of calm in their mind that's always available to them, even in times of high stress. This has been shown to dramatically improve their mood, coping skills, resilience, focus and productivity, in a kind and sustainable way.

Meditation brings out the best in people”

Nika Nazarova-Evans

Everything works better when it’s been turned off and turned back on again. Our brains are no different.

Group meditation classes allow us to be well rested, which means we’re better equipped to deal with the challenges of our jobs. Even after their very first session, my meditation sessions attendees notice improved mood and decreased levels of stress, improved productivity and increased focus.

Putting our wellbeing at the forefront of our business endeavours allows us to rebel against toxic working culture of pushing ourselves too hard in the name of financial “success”.

It allows us to redefine success as a healthy balance between exerting maximum effort and resting to restore the strength - allowing both parts of the equation to carry the same amount of importance.

Why Group Meditation?

Corporate Wellness - A Smiling Happy Meditator - black male

Here are the main benefits my meditation sessions attendees reported on a scale of 0 to 5:

As Todd Perelmuter says in Corporate Meditation: Do Employees Really Need It?

“Most companies focus on motivating employees, but if an employee’s life is falling apart or their stress is piling up or depression is eating away at them, then motivation is not the solution. We need the skills to heal and grow so that we can rise above any storm.”

Growing in resilience is one of the many positive outcomes of a regular meditative practice. In meditation, resilience is arrived at organically, through re-enforcing the brain’s and body’s natural rejuvenating processes.

corporate wellness - group meditation
  • 3 point increase in Focus & Comprehension

Some reported reduced anxiety, improved clarity of thought and being less reactive to stressful events. 

There were also reports of a sense of euphoria, migraines being gone, reduced blood pressure, reduced tension in upper body/shoulders/neck, improved wellbeing and even increased feelings of friendliness towards others. 

Group Meditation attendees feedback:

  • “I was blown away - I was really skeptical beforehand but totally bought into the process now !”

  • “very relaxing and professionally delivered.”

  • "…the meditation was amazing."

  • "I felt completely chilled and relaxed at the end of these sessions."

  • "Nika's voice! It's so soothing!"

  • "I don't feel as 'jumpy' as I was definitely more relaxed which is good…"

  • "Nika's meditation was so very good and obviously well received, as there were a lot of people in the room."

  • "being deeply relaxed it worked very well and I was fairly sceptical beforehand that it would work on / for me etc. "

  • "I find the narration that provides the guided mediation particularly beneficial and calming; better than self meditation."

Various other benefits have been noted in companies that incorporated meditation sessions into their working routine, from reduced absenteeism and reduction in costs linked to work related stress, to being able to make more profitable business decisions.

You can find a list of further benefits here: 50+ Benefits of Meditation at Work.

Flexible Supportive Approach

Meditation sessions can be aimed primarily at relaxation, or another topic that would benefit your business goals. The sessions are prepared and guided by me, therefore the session topics can be adjusted to your changing business needs, e.g. resilience during exceptionally busy times of the year.

Corporate Wellness - Office worker smiling whilst meditating
  • Guided Sessions: no previous meditation experience is necessary. All you have to do is turn up and be prepared to listen to instructions.

  • Flexible Location: the sessions can be run in-person on your business premises, or online to maximise attendance.

  • Convenient Timing: the sessions can be run in the morning - to set the tone for the rest of the day and week; or straight after work - to allow you to wind down. The other option is to run them during a lunch break. Most sessions I currently run last half an hour including a five minute introduction and prep time. This can be shortened or extended to suit your needs. 

  • The sessions can take place monthly, weekly or bi-monthly, or in any other pattern. 

  • Ongoing Support: post-session support is available to those who need it, this may include answering questions relating to mental health, helping with meditation app recommendations, or simply listening.


Group meditations are priced at the same rate as Personalised Meditation Sessions unless you are booking in bulk. Discounts are available for those booking six months ahead.    

Next Steps

To book your FREE TRIAL RUN please email me at nika @ epiphany therapy. co. uk 

I’m looking forward to working with you!

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf". 

Jon Kabat-Zinn